Happy New Year 2021


In this year of the “Ushi” (cow/ox), the Texas longhorn serves as a fitting visual symbol of resilience and new growth.

As we remember what we have endured and achieved together in 2020, we are eager to take on the many challenges and opportunities before us in 2021. We will continue to work towards strengthening the core tenants of our mission – raising the profile of Japan in Houston while cultivating constructive, resonant and dynamic relationships between the people of the U.S. and Japan.

Our signature programs — from the Japan Currents Houston Conference to the Texas State Japanese Language Speech Contest — will continue virtually.  JASH will also carry on with online Japanese language classes.  In addition, throughout the year, JASH will be taking time to develop a new array of programs that foster mutual understanding, appreciation and cooperation between the people of Texas and the United States. 

All of this would not be possible without the support of individuals, corporations and foundations, and we are grateful to those who help us bring the people of Japan and the United States closer together. Your support is, and will continue to be, critical to our success.

With much hope and Texas grit, we look to the GOOD THINGS TO COME and wish you a healthy and prosperous year.

今年は丑年! Resilience ー回復力ーと新たな成長を感じさせるテキサスロングホーンは、今年を象徴します。

この resilience に支えられて、私達はヒューストンでの日本の知名度を高めながら、日米間の建設的で共鳴し合うダイナミックな関係を築くというJASHの使命の基盤を強化するためにさらに努力を続けていきたいと思っております。

Japan Currents Houston ConferenceやTexas State Japanese Language Speech Contestを含む JASHの主要なプログラムは、引き続き2021年もバーチャルな形で実施いたします。 また、オンラインでの日本語クラスの提供も継続していきます。 さらに、JASHでは、テキサスや米国の人々との相互理解、感謝、協力を促進するための新しいプログラムも年間を通して展開していう予定です。

