Wagara Wednesday--Week 10


Week 10 of our “Wagara Wednesday” series highlights the geometric tortoiseshell Kikkou (亀甲) pattern of hexagons in honor of World Turtle Day, which is observed on May 23.

Kikkou is one of the most loved and widely used Kichijomon patterns in Japan, as it is associated with the “tsurukame” (鶴亀; crane and tortoise) symbol of longevity.

The tortoiseshell pattern has a storied history.  Originally a Chinese motif, it was Japanized during the Heian period and widely used in courtly decoration, court dress and, later, warrior kimono, armor and weapons.  It also appeared on objects of Buddhist art, lacquerware, and metalwork.

Given the pattern’s auspicious connotations, it has come to be seen as a lucky charm that wards off evil and brings longevity. 

As America begins to reopen, the kikkou pattern is our prayer for continued safety and good health.